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Thursday, November 23, 2000, updated at 10:07(GMT+8)

US Condemns Kosovo Bombing, Attacks on Serbian Police

The United States Wednesday condemned bombing of an official Yugoslav residence in Kosovo and attacks on Serbian police by ethnic Albanian insurgents in southern Serbia.

"The United States strongly condemns these attacks and calls upon all parties to cease these violent confrontations," Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said in a statement.

"These attacks are a threat to the stability of Kosovo and the region. Continued violence erodes the moral support Kosovo has traditionally had in the international community," she added.

The bombing took place Tuesday at the residence in Pristina of Stanimir Vukicevic, Yugoslavia's chief representative in Kosovo. Seven people were in the house when the bomb exploded and one of them was killed, but Vukicevic was not injured, according to a UN spokeswoman.

The attacks were done, also Tuesday, by ethnic Albanian guerrillas who crossed into Serbia from Kosovo and killed four Serb policemen, according to Serb leader Zoran Djindjic, a leading ally of new Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica.

Albright called on the leaders of Kosovo to "denounce this violence."

In This Section

The United States Wednesday condemned bombing of an official Yugoslav residence in Kosovo and attacks on Serbian police by ethnic Albanian insurgents in southern Serbia.

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