China Issues White Paper on Space Activities

The Information Office of the State Council published November 21 a white paper, titled "China's Space Activities," which gives a brief introduction to the aims and principles, present situation, future development and international cooperation concerning China's space activities.

The white paper, in 12,000 Chinese characters, comprises a foreword and four parts with the subtitles of "Aims and Principles," "Present Situation," "Future Development," and "International Cooperation."

The policy paper says that after the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, China carried out space activities on its own, and succeeded in developing and launching its first man-made satellite in 1970.

China has made eye-catching achievements, and now ranks among the world's most advanced countries in some important fields of space technology, the white paper says.

In the 21st century, it says, China will continue to promote the development of its space program in the light of its national situation, and make due contributions to the peaceful use of outer space, and to the civilization and progress of mankind.

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