Taiwan Fails to Meet Minimum Standards for Children's Rights

Taiwan has made slight progress in improving the protection of children's rights over the past year, with the overall children's rights index in the island still failing to meet the minimum standards, according to a Taiwanese newspaper.

None of Taiwan's children's rights indexes concerning basic human rights, social rights, educational rights and health rights managed to get a "passing' grade, Monday's Taipei Times cited a local non-profit group as saying.

According to the results of an annual survey by the Children's Welfare Alliance, Taiwan's children's rights indexes stood at 2.73 points this year, the highest since the annual survey began four years ago. This was the fourth consecutive year that Taiwan has failed to annual children's rights test, the newspaper said.

It said that vulgar, distasteful television programs have seriously hindered the improvement of Taiwan's protection of children's basic human rights.

Local news media generally pay little attention to the possible adverse influence of their content on children, and often fail to fully respect children's privacy in handling relevant news events, the newspaper said.

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