Jordan, Israel Cooperate on Investigating Attack on Diplomat

The Jordanian authorities are cooperating with Israel to investigate the shooting incident occurred Sunday morning in Amman in which an Israeli diplomat was slightly injured, Israeli Foreign Ministry said.

The ministry refused to give further details about the attack and did not say what actions Israel will take regarding the incident.

The diplomat, only identified as vice-consul at the Israeli embassy in Amman, was wounded in the hand and foot when unidentified gunmen opened fire on his vehicle.

The diplomat was attacked near the Israeli embassy in the affluent Rabieh neighborhood when he left home for work at around 9:00 a.m. (local time).

The motive of the gunfire is unclear, and the Israeli security guards accompanying the vice-consul did not return fire, lsraeli media said.

The diplomat was treated in an Amman hospital and released.

No individual or group has claimed responsibility for the incident.

It was the first such an attack on an Israeli in Jordan since the clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinian protestors erupted in the West Bank and Gaza Strip seven weeks ago, which have claimed over 230 lives and wounded thousands of others, most of them Palestinians.

Jordan and Egypt are the only two Arab countries that have diplomatic ties with the Jewish state.

People's Daily Online ---