Israeli Diplomat Attacked And Wounded in Jordan

An Israeli diplomat was shot and wounded Sunday morning near his home in Jordanian capital of Amman when gunmen opened fire on his car.

A spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Jordan said the diplomat was "slightly" injured when he came under fire as he left home at around 9:00 a.m. (local time) for work at the embassy.

Jordanian medical sources said the diplomat was now receiving treatment at a hospital, adding that "his life was not in danger."

The diplomat, who was not alone in the car, came under fire in the Rabieh residential area in the western part of Amman, not far from the embassy.

So far, no one has claimed responsibility for the attack.

It was the first such an attack on an Israeli in Jordan since the clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinian protestors erupted in the West Bank and Gaza Strip seven weeks ago, which have claimed over 230 lives and wounded thousands of others, most of them Palestinians.

People's Daily Online ---