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Friday, November 17, 2000, updated at 20:32(GMT+8)

UN: Closure of Pak-Afghan Border Will Exacerbate Humanitarian Situation

The United Nations system in Afghanistan remains concerned about the continued closure of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, which will "exacerbate the humanitarian situation" of Afghan refugees, a UN press release said Friday.

The United Nations acknowledges the continued hospitality of the Pakistani government to Afghan refugees during prolonged instability in Afghanistan, which includes the reception of over 30,000 Afghans recently fleeing both fighting and drought in their country.

Citing domestic economic difficulties and deteriorating law and order situation, Pakistan last week closed the border to prevent more Afghan refugees to enter its North West Frontier Province.

Afghanistan's ruling Taliban had requested the Pakistani government to reconsider its decision, but the latter has ruled out immediate possibility to reopen its border with Afghanistan.

UN Co-ordinator for Afghanistan Erick de Mul noted that Afghanistan would face an increase in the number of internally displaced persons if the border were to remain closed.

At present, the United Nations estimated there are approximately 200,000 displaced people in Afghanistan, including those displaced by the 1999 conflict.

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The United Nations system in Afghanistan remains concerned about the continued closure of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, which will "exacerbate the humanitarian situation" of Afghan refugees, a UN press release said Friday.

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