No Concessions on One-China Principle: China's Vice Premier

China will make no concessions on the one-China principle and will tolerate no activities aimed at splitting the country, Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen said Thursday in Bandar Seri Bagewan.

Qian made the remarks when meeting US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and National Security Advisor Sandy Berger on the sidelines of the eighth informal leadership meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum.

The Chinese government has repeatedly stated that as long as the leader of the Taiwan authorities unequivocally recognizes the one-China principle, consultations on all issues across the Taiwan Straits could begin and will be conducted on the basis of equality, Qian stressed.

He said that China will continue to seek a resolution of the Taiwan issue in line with its basic policy of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems," and the eight-point proposal of President Jiang Zemin on promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

Qian urged the US government to earnestly honor its commitments and handle the Taiwan issue properly.

Berger reiterated that the United States will firmly observe its one-China policy, and expressed the belief that whoever wins the presidential election will maintain the continuity of the policy on the Taiwan issue which is vital to the US-China relations.

People's Daily Online ---