Chongqing Exports More Motorcycles

Chongqing Municipality, southwest China, exported 705,900 motorcycles in the first 10 months this year, earning US$270 million, according to the city's foreign economic and trade committee.

The export volume accounted for 47 percent of Chongqing's total output of 1.5 million motorcycles in the January-October period.

Chongqing, one of the major motorcycle and parts production bases in China, has the capacity to produce 4 million motorcycles annually.

In the past, the majority of the motorcycles made in Chongqing were sold in the domestic market. In 1999, only 107,000 motorcycles were exported, accounting for 6 percent of the city's total output for that year.

Chongqing-made motorcycles are now mainly sold to Vietnam, Indonesia, south America and European countries.

Motorcycle exports accounted for 34 percent of Chongqing's total exports in the first 10 months, and 47 percent of China's total motorcycle exports in the period.

People's Daily Online ---