Beijing: An Inspiriting City

Bob Carr, governor of New South Wales, at the head of an Australian delegation, is lately seen on a visit in Beijing. Talking about cooperation with 2008 Beijing Olympic Bid Committee in Beijing Xinqiao Hotel on November 8, he said that Beijing has become an inspiriting city giving a familiar scene as Sydney in Olympic days.

"I found Beijing truly an inspiriting city and it has the strength to win the bid. We are glad to exchange experiences with Beijing as Sydney had learned experiences and lessons from Barcelona and Atlanta", added the governor.

Looking back on the days of the Sydney Olympics, with stellar success made in Olympic history, Carr said that they had placed great emphasis on environment protection including solar and waste use and recycle. Taking buses were encouraged instead of driving cars. Volunteer services were also enlisted and great conveniences provided by a great many Chinese Australians to help Chinese athletes and coaches.

When briefing his Australian guest on Beijing's 2008 Olympic bid, Liu Jingmin, vice chairman of Beijing 2008 Olympic Bid Committee, said that Beijing has by its 2008 Olympic bid fully back by the Chinese people aroused great attention throughout the world. It is hoped that "Beijing's Olympic bid will be raised to a new level and 2008 Olympics be held in Beijing with the help of Sydney Olympic Organization Committee" as news released.

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