Experts Debate on Digital Library

Will books and library cards become out of date with the impending popularization of the Internet and computer technology? What will happen to librarians in the upcoming digital library?

Such questions were debated in a symposium on digital library, which opened in Wuhan Monday.

The symposium, sponsored by the Wuhan University and the Pittsburgh University of the United States, attracted more than 80 scholars on library science from over 40 universities and institutes across the world.

Professor Leigh Estabrook, a renowned expert on library science from the Illinois University of US, said that mass media and computer technology has reshaped people's attitude towards the library. In the meantime, people are becoming more concerned about the management of information storage by such technologies.

Other issues discussed in the symposium include the orientation of library science, teaching goals and the objectives and methodologies of library science in the digital age.

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