All Passengers, Crew Aboard SQ 006 Accounted For: SIA

Singapore Airlines (SIA) has been advised that all the 179 passengers and crew aboard SQ 006, from Taipei to Los Angeles on October 31, are now accounted for, a press release from SIA confirmed later Monday.

According to SIA, the death toll has increased to 82 after a Taiwanese passenger died in hospital Sunday and the Taiwanese authorities have now formally identified all 82 bodies, including 78 passengers and four crew, with the repatriation of their remains underway.

Of the other passengers and crew, SIA said, 28 remain in hospital while 69, including the 40 passengers and crew who were uninjured in the accident, have either returned home, resumed their travels or remain in Taipei at the current time.

On the Captain and the flight crew, SIA said it can not reveal any personal details about them and does not know when they will be allowed to leave.

The pilots are very distressed and still assisting the investigating authorities in Taiwan, SIA added.

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