FM Spokesman on Yugoslavia's UN Membership

China is pleased that the United Nations convention has decided to accept the Yugoslavia Federation as a member of the organization, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao said Thursday in Beijing.

China hopes that Yugoslavia's rejoining of the UN will be an opportunity for the country to fully return to the international society, the spokesman.

This is not only conducive to the stability and development of the Yugoslavia Federation, but also helpful to the peace and development in the Balkans and Europe at large, Zhu said.

After the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia, China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has always proposed that all the member countries of the former Yugoslavia should be members of the UN and participate in international affairs as equal members of international community, Zhu noted.

None of the member countries of the former Yugoslavia should be excluded from the international community, and China has been actively seeking a proper settlement of the UN membership issue for those countries.

China maintains that a proper settlement of their UN membership will be conducive to the normalization of relations among the countries of the former Yugoslavia and the regional

peace and stability. To this end, China has made unremitting efforts, the spokesman said.

China sincerely hopes that the problems left over from the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia will be properly settled soon through consultation.

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