Israeli FM Describes Mideast Conflict as "Miniwar"

Acting Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami said Wednesday in Washington that bloody clashes between Israelis and Palestinians had reached the stage of a " miniwar."

"It is ... a miniwar. So this is a war in many senses," Ben-Ami told reporters after a 90-minute meeting with US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

The Israeli minister was commenting on reports that three Israeli soldiers were killed among escalating clashes between Israelis and Palestinians on Wednesday.

Addressing a press conference at the State Department, Ben-Ami described his meeting with Albright as "very interesting and good. "

He said they reviewed the situation in the Middle East and assessed the possibility to get out of the impasse and pave way for resuming the peace talks.

After the press conference, Ben-Ami went to the White House for a meeting with Sandy Berger, national security adviser to President Bill Clinton.

Meanwhile, Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat is expected to be in Washington on Thursday for a meeting with Albright.

People's Daily Online ---