Journalists to Celebrate Media Day

China will celebrate its first "Journalists' Day" next week with a series of events, says the All-China Journalists' Association.

A celebration involving an estimated 700-plus people will be held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on November 8. Journalists will attend a party that day called "Journalists' Night." Local branches of the association will also celebrate with parties.

The celebrations are expected to help the media improve their image as the public watchdog, according to Zheng Mengxiong, vice-chairman of the association.

"Journalists' Day" was named an official festival by Premier Zhu Rongji last year.

The association chose November 8, the founding date of its predecessor, the China Youth Journalists Association, as the date for the festival.

Around 550,000 journalists work for China's 5,000 newspapers, magazines, news agencies, radio and television stations.

People's Daily Online ---