35 Ventures Become State High-tech Development Bases

The Ministry of Science and Technology announced in Beijing Wednesday that 35 Chinese high-tech ventures have become the country's second group of state-level bases for industrialization of high-tech discoveries.

The announcement was made during the closing session of a three-day national conference on science and technology.

An official from the ministry's high and new technology department said the 35 ventures include the North China Pharmaceutical Group Ltd, Qinghua Unisplendour Corporation Ltd, Hisense Group, Shenzhen Sangxia Computer & Human Intelligence Development Corporation.

He said, of these ventures, most are information, biology, automation and new material technology related.

So far, China has established a total of 51 bases for the industrialization of high-tech discoveries.

These ventures enjoy priority in industrialization of the ministry's market-prospective high-tech discoveries.

Zhu Lilan, Minister of Science and Technology, said today at the conference's closing session that industrialization of scientific discoveries is of great importance for pushing ahead development of the national economy.

She said the country's science and technology development plan between 2001 and 2005 will focus on innovation and industrialization of scientific discoveries.

She said, China is trying to make a breakthrough in the high- tech research fields of information, biology, new materials, advanced manufacturing technique and space technology in the following five years.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/