Airlines to Have Airfare Hike in China

Sources from CAAC (Civil Aviation Administration of China) say Chinese airlines will be allowed to have airfare hikes for attached fuel fee starting from November 1, 2000. This is to say airfare in China, which has been kept under strict control for almost three years will somewhat be raised.

Officers of CAAC say CAAC will give every Chinese airline company the right of a 20% airfare hike over ticket prices to be stated and that this will be up to every airline company whether it is going to have an airfare hike or not.

CAAC demands every airline company first make known its decision to push for an airfare hike or not before it has a new airfare adopted.

The Chinese airline companies have already been hard put for eight price hikes of fuel witnessed since last November. An airfare hike as allowed by CAAC will naturally be well accepted but a decrease of passengers is feared, calling for feasible plans to be worked out by Chinese airline companies.

People's Daily Online ---