Helicopter for Civil Use Soon to Be Available in Market

A Russian pilot completed the third stage trial flight of Helicopter Type-11 on the risk subject on October 30. Up to now, it has rounded off all the trial flight subjects for civil use. This signals that the helicopter will soon be available in the market for the use of civilians.

Co-designed and manufactured by Changhe Aircraft Industry Group and China Helicopter Design Institute, it is so far the first of its kind in China to have got the airworthy certificate. The helicopter type-11 is the one for multifarious uses, which can be used either for military or for civil purpose. It can be applied in the following fields for drill, patrol, communication, command, rescue, anti-smuggling, and scientific and military or quasi-military explorations. It is sure to enjoy a bright market perspective.

The work for obtaining the airworthy certificate was started in June 1999. Under the guidance of the CAAC Shanghai Assessment Center, the helicopter has ever since undergone all kinds of experimental flights for examination, including flying over plateaus, highly risk and severe cold areas and other conventional flight tests. During the trial flights, the helicopter type-11 has scored many records in the flying history of homemade helicopters, indicating good performances and functioning quite well. According to the Russian pilot engaged in the risk tests the "helicopter is absolutely up to the standard of the same type of foreign-made helicopters."

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/