China Supports Positive Developments in Korean Peninsula

China Tuesday expressed its support for the positive developments on the Korean Peninsula, hoping that the momentum would be maintained.

Addressing a plenary meeting of the 55th session of the General Assembly on the theme of "Peace, Security and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula," Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations Wang Yingfan said the leaders of the two Koreas, with statesmanlike vision and wisdom, held a historic summit last June which had positive results and contributed fresh momentum to efforts for peace and stability on the peninsula.

The summit was the crystallization of both peoples' desire for peace, and it was in both peoples' interests, and the developments were also conducive to peace and security in the region and in the world, Wang said.

China has always attached great importance to peace and stability on the peninsula and has always supported dialogues between the two nations, Wang added.

The United Nations General Assembly Tuesday adopted a resolution on peace, security and reunification on the Korean Peninsula, which welcomed and supported the historic inter-Korean Summit held in Pyongyang last June and its resulting Joint Declaration.

It also encouraged the two sides to continue to implement fully and in good faith the Joint Declaration and other agreements and invited all member states of the United Nations to support the process of inter-Korean dialogue, reconciliation and reunification, so as to contribute to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and in the world as a whole.

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