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Tuesday, October 31, 2000, updated at 16:08(GMT+8)

China's Anti-Counterfeiting Action Praised

Foreign-funded companies in China applauded the Chinese government's decision to wage a national campaign to fight against the manufacturing and sales of counterfeit goods Tuesday.

According to a news release from the Quality Brands Protection Committee (QBPC) under the China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (CAEFI), the foreign-funded companies hope to work more closely with the Chinese government, particularly the National Group for Coordinating Anti-Counterfeiting, to ensure the success of the campaign through the sharing of information and resources.

The QBPC has 54 members, including Philip Morris, Procter and Gamble, Volkswagen AG and Microsoft.

The increased effort will lead to a further strengthening and reform of the legal system and to a final resolution on the counterfeiting issue, the QBPC said in the news release.

It will help create a positive environment for foreign investment and for domestic Chinese industries, and eventually facilitate the healthy development of the Chinese economy in preparing it for its imminent entry into the World Trade Organization, according to the QBPC.

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Foreign-funded companies in China applauded the Chinese government's decision to wage a national campaign to fight against the manufacturing and sales of counterfeit goods Tuesday.

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