Palestinians Clash With Israeli Soldiers in Abu Dis

Hundreds of Palestinian students took to the street of Abu Dis on Sunday, clashing with Israeli soldiers and border police, but there were no immediate reports about casualties on both sides.

The students hurled stones and firebombs at Israeli soldiers and police who fired tear gas and rubber bullets in return, witnesses said.

Abu Dis is one of the three Arab villages on the suburbs of Jerusalem that the Israeli government refuses to hand over to the Palestinians. The confrontations are going on. Meanwhile, clashes were reported at the Karni border crossing between Israel and Gaza Strip as hundreds of Palestinians blocked Israeli cargo truck convoys from leaving the area. Israel Army Radio said that the Palestinian security police at the scene did not take any action to disperse the Palestinians protestors.

The confrontations took place in the backdrop of the raging Israeli-Palestinian conflicts that have continued on a daily basis for one month, in which over 130 Palestinians have been killed and more than 5,000 others injured.

People's Daily Online ---