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Monday, October 30, 2000, updated at 22:21(GMT+8)

International Symposium on Marxist Philosophy Starts

Nearly 80 domestic and overseas philosophers convened Monday in Beijing to discuss the development of Marxist philosophy in the past century and its prospects in the new century.

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Institute of Philosophy organized the Marxist Philosophy and 21st Century International Symposium.

At the opening ceremony of the symposium, Li Tieying, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), said that it is significant to summarize aspects of Marxism in the outgoing century and to look into its future in the 21st century.

An important part of the philosophy is to do with it being an outcome of the advancement of modern science and economy, said Li, also president of the CASS.

After its birth in 1921, the CPC chose Marxism as its sole theoretical and ideological guidance and combined the basic Marxist principles with practical conditions in China, Li said.

During the past century, the Chinese people experienced the charisma of Marxist philosophy. Nowadays, new conditions require enrichment of the philosophy, Li stressed.

Scholars should resolve the questions raised at modern times, actively study new scientific achievements and employ theories into practice, Li said.

Philosophers from Australia, Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States and other countries, as well as Chinese experts from the CASS, the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, Beijing University and Fudan University participated in the two-day symposium.

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Nearly 80 domestic and overseas philosophers convened Monday in Beijing to discuss the development of Marxist philosophy in the past century and its prospects in the new century.

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