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Monday, October 30, 2000, updated at 08:51(GMT+8)

IBM to Build Chips Encapsulation Base in China

International Business Machine Co., Ltd., (IBM) announced in Beijing its plan to invest US$300 million in Shanghai for the construction of a large scale chips encapsulation production base in a bid to back up its increasing demand of semiconductor business development.

Reportedly it was IBM's biggest single investment so far in China, and was the important part of its global investment plan which was worth of US$5 billion.

It is learnt the base will be put into production by January 2002. (Panorama)

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International Business Machine Co., Ltd., (IBM) announced in Beijing its plan to invest US$300 million in Shanghai for the construction of a large scale chips encapsulation production base in a bid to back up its increasing demand of semiconductor business development.

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