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Sunday, October 29, 2000, updated at 09:42(GMT+8)

International Industry Fair Closes in Shanghai

The Shanghai International Industry Fair Saturday closed in Shanghai with contracted funds signed for more than 18 billion yuan.

The five-day fair displayed the world's latest developments and achievements in information technology, bio-pharmaceuticals, new materials and other high-tech sectors.

More than 50 multinational corporations and risk investment companies as well as hundreds of other Chinese and foreign companies and universities attended the fair.

During the fair, 75 high-level symposiums on China's development strategy in the new century, China's entry into the World Trade Organization, technological innovation and development of the western region were held.

Shanghai aims to become a showcase for the development of domestic and international high-tech ventures, a global high-tech information exchange center and a high-tech trade center by hosting the annual fair.

China held the first international industry fair last year. The next fair is scheduled in November 2001, with the scale of the fair expected to double.

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The Shanghai International Industry Fair Saturday closed in Shanghai with contracted funds signed for more than 18 billion yuan.

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