Russia, Yugoslavia Issue Joint Statement on Strategic Partnership

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his visiting Yugoslav counterpart Vojislav Kostunica on Friday signed a joint statement on establishing a new, all-around partnership between their countries and agreed to maintain regular political dialogue at various levels, including the top leadership.

Before signing the document, the presidents discussed bilateral political and economic ties, regional security and international issues of common interests, especially the situation in Yugoslavia and in the whole Balkan region, Russian media reported.

The two sides also mulled the problems of Russian gas deliveries to Yugoslavia, Belgrade's gas debts to Moscow and the possibility of paying the debts with commodities.

At the meeting, Putin stressed that Yugoslavia is Russia's traditional and main partnership in the Balkans. He praised Kostunica for peacefully solving the crisis over recent Yugoslav presidential elections.

Putin stated that Russia will stand together with Yugoslavia forever and respects the Yugoslav people's choice.

The two sides will expand mutually beneficial economic and technological cooperation under most favored nation conditions, the joint statement says.

Russia will "provide tangible aid to Yugoslavia in rebuilding its economy and overcoming the NATO aggression and the policy of sanctions," it says.

The statement emphasizes the importance of the early resumption of Yugoslavia's participation in international cooperation, in particular its full-fledged membership in the international community.

"Russia and Yugoslavia regard full normalization and the establishment of neighborly relations between all the countries that emerged from the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as the main factor in stabilizing the situation in the Balkans," it continues.

The two countries firmly support full implementation of the UN Security Council resolution No.1244 on Kosovo, aimed at constructing there a democratic multi-ethnic society, the early

start of political talks and the signing of an agreement on the status of the Yugoslav province, the statement reads.

Kostunica, who was elected Yugoslav president last month and announced a non-pro-West policy earlier this month, reaffirmed after his meeting with Putin that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia relies "not only on its traditional partners and closest neighbors such as Russian Federation, but also on the West."

He said relations with Russia are important to Yugoslavia and Russia's presence in the Balkans is of great significance.

Kostunica arrived in Moscow on Friday morning for a working visit, his first trip to Russia after being elected the Yugoslav head of state. On the same day, he also met with Russian Foreign

Minister Igor Ivanov.

Yugoslavia remains Russia's key and closest partner in the Balkans and Russia intends to build its relations with Yugoslavia on a long-term basis and to promote progress in every field, Ivanov told Kostunica.

Yugoslavia's legitimate seat in the United Nations and other international bodies will promote stability in the Balkans and Europe, he noted, vowing that Russia will continue pressing for this.

People's Daily Online ---