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Wednesday, October 25, 2000, updated at 08:15(GMT+8)

GA Chief Calls for Action for Peace, Justice, Equality

The president of the 55th General Assembly (GA) session, Harri Holkeri, Tuesday called on the world community to take action to reach universal goals for peace, justice and equality.

The GA president made the appeal in his message to mark the United Nations Day, which falls on October 24 annually.

"The United Nations is our truly global and representative world body," he said. "It is the only place where all countries, large or small, can meet as equals to try to work together to solve the enormous problems our world faces."

"And work together we must, because only together can we eradicate poverty, fight AIDS, promote human rights, protect our environment, prevent conflicts or tackle all the other challenges that lie ahead," he said.

"Too many United Nations personnel, both civilian and military, have given their lives to make ours better," he said. "We must make sure that their safety and security is improved. On the day we pay tribute to them. And to all those who are working for a better world."

"At the Millennium Summit, world leaders made history here at the United Nations," he said. "They committed themselves to real goals that, if met, will ensure that our children inherit a world that is a better place to live."

The Millennium Summit, which was convened in September, turned out to be the largest gathering of world leaders in the history of the United Nations.

"But those goals cannot be met just with promises. We need action," he said.

"I pledge to do my utmost to make sure governments follow up on those promises," he said. "I hope that you too will use this United Nations Day to recommit yourself to work for the goals of peace, justice and equality that this organization stands for."

"Let us not forget that the United Nations represents the aspiration of all peoples," he added.

On October 31, 1947, the General Assembly adopted a resolution to designate October 24 as the United Nations Day. The world body now has 189 member states.

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The president of the 55th General Assembly (GA) session, Harri Holkeri, Tuesday called on the world community to take action to reach universal goals for peace, justice and equality.

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