Taiwanese Wealth Continuously Decreased

The Taiwan people have reportedly suffered altogether an estimated loss of 4 trillion yuan averaging a per-capita amount of 217,000 yuan in Taiwan's new currency from wrong policies of a new five-month leading team put at helm, according to a recent survey released in Taiwan.

Since new power wielders were locally installed, Taiwan has squandered in political instabilities, social disorder and wrong policies pursued at the expense of interests of the general public on the island, especially those with regard to cross-straits relations. To exacerbate this, social unrest has erupted, a weak economy developed and people's confidence in local government has drastically dropped.

Things have been all the more so for an erratic stock market, which has successively experienced a drop to 7000 points and then to 5000 points since last May, and finally to a four-year record low on October 19.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/