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Sunday, October 22, 2000, updated at 11:32(GMT+8)

ASEM Concludes With Message of Enhanced Cooperation

The two-day Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) concluded Saturday in Seoul with a chairman's statement highlighting the importance of cooperation between the two regions in the rapidly changing world.

The 25 ASEM national leaders plus European Union leader hailed the third ASEM as "historic milestone," saying the ASEM process provided a "unique opportunity" for the partners to review their achievements and set direction for development in the new millennium.

Expressing satisfaction with the process inaugurated in Bangkok in March 1996, the leaders vowed to strengthen the Asia-Europe partnership.

The leaders underlined the importance of the forum in the context that ASEM played a "crucial role" in addressing the Asian financial crisis in 1997, expressing the belief that renewed economic dynamism of Asia and the growing economic strength of Europe will promote prosperity in both regions.

They committed themselves to promoting greater economic linkages between ASEM partners, increased trade and investment flows between the two regions. They singled out e-commerce as a new priority area for cooperation.

Describing the information and communications technology as "pivotal engines of growth," they agreed to accelerate their efforts to address the digital divide between the two regions to promote a joint prosperity.

They also underlined their commitment to jointly promote further liberalization and strengthen trade rules. They also reiterated the need for ASEM to promote dialogue and cooperation between the business communities of the two regions.

The Chairman's Statement also said the leaders agreed to take further measures to strengthen their countries' internal financial system and ensure long-term stability.

But they voiced their concern over volatility in oil prices and shared the view that a stable supply of energy is vital to long-term economic growth for all ASEM partners and the world at large.

In a rapidly changing world, "ASEM should play a constructive role in promoting increased multilateral dialogue and cooperation, and in building a new international political and economic order in light of the growing interdependence of Asia and Europe and the changing international environment," the leaders said.

Expressing their grave concern over the recurrent armed conflicts around the world, the leaders agreed to work together for effective prevention of conflicts in conformity with the U.N. Charter and international law. They also underlined the importance of maintaining global strategic balance and stability, arms control and disarmament, pledging more ASEM dialog and cooperation in these fields.

The leaders welcomed the historic first inter-Korean summit held last June in Pyongyang and acknowledged the great significance of the event which had laid the foundation for peace process on the Korean Peninsula.

The leaders committed themselves to promote and protect all human rights, including the right to development and fundamental freedoms.

The next ASEM meeting is scheduled for 2002 in Copenhagen.

The 10 Asian ASEM members are Brunei, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, while the 15 European members are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Britain.

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The two-day Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) concluded Saturday in Seoul with a chairman's statement highlighting the importance of cooperation between the two regions in the rapidly changing world.

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