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Saturday, October 21, 2000, updated at 17:48(GMT+8)

Chinese Premier Meets Indonesian President

Indonesian President Abdurranhman Wahid said Saturday morning in Seoul that his country will support China as before in solving the Taiwan issue on the basis of the policy of "one country, two systems."

Indonesia attaches great importance to developing the friendly relationship with China, said Wahid while meeting Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji on the sideline of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM).

Wahid hoped that the two countries will strengthen exchanges and cooperation in agricultural and other fields.

He also expressed thanks for China's support for Indonesia in the United Nations and on other international occasions.

Zhu praised Wahid for his work for the improvement and development of Sino-Indonesian ties since he took office in 1999.

China pays great attention to developing Sino-Indonesian relations and is willing to further develop cooperation with Indonesia in all respects on the basis of mutual benefit, he said.

Both leaders came to Seoul for the two-day third ASEM which concludes Saturday.

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Indonesian President Abdurranhman Wahid said Saturday morning in Seoul that his country will support China as before in solving the Taiwan issue on the basis of the policy of "one country, two systems."

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