Sinopec got listed in Hong Kong

China Petroleum Chemical Co., Ltd (Sinopec) was listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) Thursday with an issuing price of HK$1.59, thus becoming so far the only super-sized state-owned enterprise in China simultaneously listed on Hong Kong, New York and London stock markets.

Sinopec issued 18.0385 billion shares this time globally, accounting for 21.21% of its total stock capital after the issuing of shares. After share floation, the parent company of Sinopec-China Petroleum Chemical Group Co. will hold 56.06% of its total shares, while the domestic asset management companies and the Development Bank of China holding 22.73% and foreign shareholders 21.21%.

Sinopec closed at HK$1.54 Thursday, and the daily trading volume was HK$1.738 billion.

People's Daily Online ---