China Reaffirms Support for Peaceful Reunification of Korean Peninsula

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said Wednesday in Seoul that China will continue to support efforts made by the two sides of the Korean Peninsula to achieve peaceful national reunification.

Zhu made the remarks in his speech at a welcome dinner hosted by South Korean President Kim Dae-jung Wednesday evening.

"In June this year, relations between the North and South have opened a new chapter of reconciliation and cooperation; they have begun the historic process of independent and peaceful reunification," Zhu said. "This is of positive and far reaching significance for promoting peace and development in the region."

As a friendly neighboring country to South Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), China welcomed the new development on the Korean Peninsula, he said.

He praised the political resolution taken by Kim Dae-jung and DPRK leader Kim Jung Il. The two leaders held a summit in June in Pyongyang, which has helped the North and South ease decades of tension.

A peaceful, unified and prosperous Korean Peninsula is conducive to the interests of China as well as those of the other countries in the region and the world, Zhu said.

Kim Dae-jung, said that the Korean Peninsula is undergoing tremendous change, which has much to do with the support and solidarity shown by the international community, including China.

He said since the establishment of diplomatic ties between South Korea and China eight years ago, cooperative ties between the two countries in all fields, especially in the economic field, have developed quickly and smoothly.

Zhu arrived on Tuesday for a six-day official visit to South Korea.

People's Daily Online ---