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Thursday, October 19, 2000, updated at 19:44(GMT+8)

Large E-commerce Web Opened for Enterprises In Shanghai

A large website providing e-commerce service for Shanghai's enterprises was opened Wednesday, showing that the city is taking major steps to establish itself as an information hub.

Named Shanghai Enterprises Online (, the website is going to increase its enterprise clients by offering e-business news and supply-demand information and outstanding technical support, a source said.

Pioneered by international celebrated information giants like Cisco and Intel, e-commerce, calculated by foreign authoritative institute, reduces the average management cost of a transaction by 70 percent.

Less than one percent of Chinese enterprises have established access to the Internet. The website tries to develop the huge potential market and online shopping service for individual customers.

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A large website providing e-commerce service for Shanghai's enterprises was opened Wednesday, showing that the city is taking major steps to establish itself as an information hub.

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