InterExpo China 2001 to be Held in Beijing

The Second China International Exposition and Conference will be held from 9 to 11 January next year in Beijing.

Covering a floor space of 8,000 sq. meters, the Expo will mainly display conference and exhibition-related equipment, modern exhibition hall designs as well as exhibition-related services, including transportation, restaurants and tourism, according to the organizer.

The expo will attract more than 100 exhibition companies at home and abroad, including AG-Hanover of Germany, E.J Krause of the USA and Pico of Singapore.

A series of seminars will be held during the period, at which government officials, scholars and entrepreneurs in the sector will cover topics that include the challenge and opportunity faced by China's exposition industry after the country enters the World Trade Organization, online exhibitions and E-commerce.

Over the past 21 years, China's exhibition industry has witnessed rapid growth. Statistics indicate that in 1999, China hosted 694 international exhibitions at home, compared with 6 such exhibitions in 1978.

It is estimated that the country's exposition sector may earn several billion yuan in direct income on an annual basis, with profits from related sectors, such as transport, restaurant and tourism, expected to be much higher.

Dai Kexiang, vice-president of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), told a press conference today that the Expo aims to promote further exchanges and cooperation between exhibition sectors at home and abroad and to speed up China's exhibition industry.

The first Expo was held in Shanghai this January, which proved to be a success. The second Expo will be sponsored by CCPIT and CCPIT Shanghai. It will be co-organized by the China International Exhibition Center and the Shanghai International Exhibition Center and supported by such international organizations as IAEM, TSEA, APECC and IELA.

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