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Tuesday, October 17, 2000, updated at 17:54(GMT+8)

Chinese Premier Starts Visit to South Korea

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji arrived in Seol Tuesday evening for a six-day official visit to South Korea in an effort to enhance ties between the two countries.

In a written statement distributed at Sonan Airport, Zhu said that the purpose of his visit is to promote Sino-South Korean cooperative partnership oriented toward the 21st century.

He said he will conduct an extensive exchange of views with South Koreans from all walks of life on how to strengthen bilateral relations and maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

The Chinese premier is scheduled to meet President Kim Dae-jung, Prime Minister Lee Han-dong, Speaker of the National Assembly Lee Man-sue and other senior political and business leaders.

During his stay in Seoul, Zhu will also attend the Third Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) scheduled for Friday and Saturday. During the two-day meeting, Zhu will discuss future comprehensive cooperation between the two continents in the new century with the leaders from nine other Asian countries and 15 European Union member states as well as the president of the European Commission, Romano Prodi.

The Chinese premier arrived from Japan after his six-day official visit there.

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Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji arrived in Seol Tuesday evening for a six-day official visit to South Korea in an effort to enhance ties between the two countries.

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