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Tuesday, October 17, 2000, updated at 15:11(GMT+8)

Canadian Deputy Prime Minster Praises Sino-Canadian Ties

Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Herb Gray said on Monday the establishment of diplomatic ties between Canada and China was a significant event "that reached far beyond that of the bilateral relationship."

He made the statement at a reception party held by Chinese Ambassador to Canada Mei Ping to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Sino-Canadian diplomatic relations on October 13, 1970.

"Canada and China enjoy a strong and growing trade relationship," with bilateral trade more than doubling between 1992 and 1997, said the deputy prime minister.

"Many people don't realize that China is now Canada's fourth largest export market," he said, stressing that "the Canada-China relationship is much more than trade."

"It has facilitated the recognition of China as a major factor in the international community," he said.

He also expressed confidence that Canada and China, as two great Pacific nations, will enjoy better ties through cooperation in the years to come.

The Chinese Ambassador said in his speech that the frequent exchanges highlighted by visits of top leaders of the two countries in recent years had led to a consensus on the building of a cross-century comprehensive partnership of cooperation.

About 300 people attended the gathering at the Chinese Embassy. Among them were Canadian Speaker of the Senate Gildas Molgat and Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Elinor Caplan.

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Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Herb Gray said on Monday the establishment of diplomatic ties between Canada and China was a significant event "that reached far beyond that of the bilateral relationship."

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