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Tuesday, October 17, 2000, updated at 11:26(GMT+8)

Ivanov: Russia Preparing Concrete Proposals on Mideast Settlement

Russia is preparing concrete proposals on how to draw the Middle East peace process out of current deadlock, Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said Monday.

Russia's proposals will be aimed to move the peace process in a positive direction once the crisis between Palestine and Israel is overcome, he told a news conference after a meeting with his Azeri counterpart Vilayat Guliyev, who arrived here Sunday for a three-day official visit.

He noted that now the most important thing is to consider practical and feasible steps to continue the peace process. At present, the task is not to decide the fate of the peace process in general, but to solve the most concrete question of "how to stop violence between the Palestinians and Israelis," he stressed.

"Efforts must be concentrated on resolving this very task... Moscow wants the Palestinian-Israeli summit in Egypt to produce positive results," Ivanov said.

Preventing the two conflicting parties from bloody violence will create favorable conditions for restoring full-scale peace talks in the Middle East. Russia will go on making efforts to accelerate the peace process as long as its participation is necessary, said Ivanov.

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Russia is preparing concrete proposals on how to draw the Middle East peace process out of current deadlock, Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said Monday.

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