New Coalition Government Formed in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has formed a new coalition government after the ruling People's Alliance (PA) secured support from two minor political parties who also got a few seats in the 11th parliament elections held on Tuesday, the official Daily News reported Saturday.

The paper said that Prime Minster Ratnasiri Wickremanayake was sworn in for a second term Friday by President kumaratunga at Temple Trees and became the 14th prime minister of Sri Lanka after its independence from British colonial rule in 1948.

Ratnasiri Wickremanayake was appointed prime minister in August this year, succeeding president Kumaratunga's mother, Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike who died shortly after cast her vote in the election day on Tuesday. Mrs. Bandaranaike, 84, a three-time prime minister, resigned on the ground of poor health on August 10.

The PA won 107 seats in the 225-seat Parliament, short of the 113-seat simple majority required to form a new government.

Following lengthy talks with the two minor parties, the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP), a Tamil party, and the National Unity Alliance (NUA), a Muslim party, the PA has reached agreement with the two parties to form a coalition government with 116 members.

The composition of the new PA government will be its 107 members along with four members each from the EPDP and NUA and the single Independent Digamadulla District member.

The Memoranda of Understanding between the PA and the EPDP and the NUA are to be signed within the next few days. The 11th Parliament is due to meet on Wednesday.

The cabinet of ministers is to be sworn in sometime next week.

People's Daily Online ---