Chinese Defense Minister Meets Kazakhstan Guests

Chinese Defense Minister Chi Haotian met Thursday with a logistic delegation from Kazakhstan headed by its deputy defense minister Oraz Rakishev.

Chi, also vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission and a state councilor, said that China and Kazakhstan are friendly neighbors, and the peoples of the two countries have enjoyed long-term friendship.

The China-Kazakhstan relations have developed in a stable and healthy way, as the exchange of visits between senior officials of the two countries are frequent and the cooperation in political, trade and economic and cultural fields has expanded, he said.

As an important component of the state relations, military ties between the two countries have developed rapidly, he added.

He mentioned the meeting among defense ministers of the "Shanghai Five" countries held in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, earlier this year, saying that it has promoted the military relations among the "Shanghai Five" countries and those between China and Kazakhstan to a new stage.

Rakishev said that with the efforts of the governments of the two countries, the Kazakhstan-China relations have developed rapidly.

He added that maintaining good cooperation between Kazakhstan and China is good for the two peoples and contributes to regional peace and stability, and he hoped that the bilateral cooperation will continue to improve.

People's Daily Online ---