Possible Replacements of Coaches Reported in China

Li Furong, director general of the Training Department of State General Administration of Sports, said that some replacements of coaches and athletes in Chinese track and field, basketball and volleyball teams are possibly to be made after the Sydney Olympics.

In view of the current situation of Chinese men's basketball team, its head coach Jiang Xingquan will possibly be replaced by Wang Fei for some players backing him up and asking for his return to the team. Zhang Yongjun may likewise be chosen for he has led Guangdong team fight into top four in several CBA league matches.

The Chinese women's volleyball team did not prove their worth in the Sydney Olympics. It has not yet been decided whether head coach Hu Jin will stay on or pack off. This is because the volleyball center lacks long-term training plan and not many coaches can be found to be put in pushing the country's volleyball cause.

According to Chinese Football Association, frustrations of Chinese women's soccer team will not affect the team's position and influence and its current head coach will not be replaced.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/