Principle of Capacity to Pay Must Be Preserved: China

While the peacekeeping scale of assessment can be appropriately adjusted in the light of changed circumstances, the principle of capacity to pay has to be preserved, China stressed on Thursday.

Addressing the general debate on the peacekeeping scale of assessment at the United Nations Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary), Chinese Permanent Representative to U.N. Wang Yingfan said China is not against discussing the issue of peacekeeping scale, but believes that the present scale basically reflects the principle of the capacity to pay.

As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, China is fully aware of its responsibility with regard to world peace and security, Wang said.

China has not only earnestly fulfilled its financial obligations, but also accepted the additional surcharge for the peacekeeping assessment in accordance with the relevant resolution, he said.

However, any attempts to set a floor for permanent members or to drastically increase China's assessment is totally unacceptable, Wang noted.

Payment of assessment is a financial obligation that has to be honored by each and every member state under the Charter of the United Nations, Wang said.

As repeatedly pointed out by many states, the financial difficulties of the United Nations are caused mainly by the large amount of arrears, accumulated over many years, by a small number of countries, in particular the major contributor.

All member states should pay their dues in full, on time and without conditions, he added.

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