Half Economic Growth Rate Comes From Hi-tech in Jinan

The contribution rate from high technologies to economic growth has reached 49 percent in Jinan, capital of east China's Shandong Province.

Hi-tech industries recorded an added value accounting for 13.5 percent of the city's total industrial added value, Xie Yutang, mayor of Jinan, said at the 2000 Jinan Golden Autumn Economy And Trade Fair.

To date, there have been 189 hi-tech and new-tech enterprises in Jinan, involving 350 projects and producing 390 kinds of products, official statistics show.

The city has placed key emphasis on innovation capability of hi-tech and new-tech in the last few years, introducing a system favorable to combining high technologies and industries, Xie said.

Electronic information, biological pharmacy and new material are on top of the list in developing Jinan's new and high industries. Meanwhile, large-scale technological innovations are conducted in traditional fields like chemical industry, textile, light industry and building material, upgrading enterprises' equipment and technological content of their main products.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/