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Thursday, October 05, 2000, updated at 15:55(GMT+8)

Peruvian Government, Opposition Agree on Constitutional Reforms

The Peruvian government, the opposition and the Organization of American States (OAS) agreed Wednesday on the constitutional reforms to call for an election to solve the country's political crisis.

After their meeting, the parties concerned announced that the mandate of President Alberto Fujimori will end on July 28, 2001.

Another important accord reached on Wednesday limited the presidential term to five years without the possibility of re-election as Fujimori had.

The OAS delegation presented a plan of 29 political reforms after the controversial elections in May, in which Fujimori won after the "Peru Possible" alliance candidate Alejandro Toledo quit the race.

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The Peruvian government, the opposition and the Organization of American States (OAS) agreed Wednesday on the constitutional reforms to call for an election to solve the country's political crisis.

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