Blueprint for Future of Guangzhou Outlined

A "digitalized Guangzhou" is scheduled to emerge by the year 2010, providing its citizens with high level information services.

Guangzhou Mayor Lin Shusen Tuesday blueprinted the city's development into the e-era at a seminar entitled "The New Millennium: Information Society and City Development".

The seminar is part of the three-day Metropolis Guangzhou 2000, an international event co-sponsored by the city's leaders and the World Association of Major Metropolises.

Joan Clos, president of the association and mayor of Barcelona, Spain, said that the seminar provides a platform for mayors, policy developers of major cities and scholars to exchange their visions, strategic plans and practical experiences.

The seminar includes four workshops on the function of the city in the information era, urban management in the information era, the information society and sustainable urban development and international co-operation among cities in the information era.

Lin said that Guangzhou has a sound information infrastructure, which will shape the way IT will develop in the city and be applied to city life.

The information industry is a pillar industry in Guangzhou, which gives top priority to software development.

As one of China's leading industrial powerhouses, Guangzhou produces 10.2 per cent of the country's software.

In the future, the information economy will make up 40 per cent of Guangzhou's gross national product, and ordinary people will enjoy a convenient and all-encompassing e-life, the mayor said.

People's Daily Online ---