Yugoslav President Calls for Stabilization

Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic Monday called on the whole nation not to participate in violent activities such as strikes financed by NATO and organized by the opposition alliance.

In a televised address, Milosevic said that during the recent decade, the West has tried hard to put the whole Balkan region under its control. Yugoslavia's firm resistance has brought to the country all kinds of increasing pressure, the president added.

Milosevic also urged the people to see clearly the serious impact caused by such violent activities supported financially by NATO and organized by the opposition ally.

In spite of their lead in the presidential election held on September 24, both Milosevic and opposition candidate Vojislav Kostunica failed to get the required 50 percent of the votes, according to the federal electoral commission.

The commission announced that the two candidates had to run for a second round of election that is expected to be on October 8.

Kostunica won 48.96 percent of the votes, while Milosevic won 38.62 percent in the first round, said the commission.

Under the federal election law, a candidate must secure over 50 percent of the votes to win the election.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/