China Says Choice of One's Own Road to Development Should Be Respected

China reiterated Monday that the choice of one's own road to development should be respected.

Addressing the general debate of the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) of the United Nations, Chinese Permanent Representative to the U.N. Wang Yingfan said developing countries vary in the level of development and many other things.

"The differences between them as a whole and developed countries are even more striking," the ambassador noted.

"Therefore, one important condition for their development and integration into the world economy is to choose a road to development that is suitable to their national conditions," the ambassador said.

"Developed countries should respect this reality and refrain themselves from forcing their own economies as well as social standards and development models upon developing countries," he said.

Multilateral development aid agencies should, when offering policy recommendations to a recipient country, thoroughly study the latter's domestic situation and fully respect its choice of development road and avoid imposing upon that country development models or conditions for aid that are not suitable, he said.

Only by doing so can the latter's development be really improved while attaining ideal result of assistance, he stressed.

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