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Tuesday, October 03, 2000, updated at 17:13(GMT+8)

Palestinian-Israeli Cease Fire Groundless: Palestinian Official

A Palestinian senior police officer Monday termed as "groundless" a cease fire between heavily-armed Israeli forces and armless Palestinian youths.

"A cease fire accord can be reached by two warring armies and what can be reached between Palestinian children, who throw stones at the Israeli soldiers, and the Israeli army can not be called a cease fire accord," said Usamah al-Ali, chief of the Regional Security Committee of the Palestinian Liaison Forces.

No agreement can be clinched with the Palestinian children who use stones in their resistance against the Israeli occupation forces, the brigadier said.

"A cease fire means a halt of war between two warring armies," he reasserted, noting that the Palestinians are armless and the Palestinian police carry light arms. "No cease fire agreement can be reached between cartridge on the one hand and tanks, machine guns and Apache helicopters on the other," he added.

There can be no real shoot-out between the Palestinian police and the Israeli forces in that case, al-Ali noted.

Meanwhile, he accused the Israeli forces of using helicopters to attack a position of the Palestinian police and apartment building near Netzarim Jewish settlement, central Gaza, which lead to many casualties.

Earlier on Monday, Palestinian Minister of Health Riyadh Zaanoun said the 8 Palestinians were killed in the confrontations in Gaza Strip and the West Bank and 292 others wounded. The deaths raised to 53 the number of people killed, mostly the Palestinians, in the five days of clashes.

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A Palestinian senior police officer Monday termed as "groundless" a cease fire between heavily-armed Israeli forces and armless Palestinian youths.

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