Reception Marks Ten Years of Sino-Singaporean Diplomatic Ties

The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) and China-Singapore Friendship Association (CSFA) held a reception Friday to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Sino-Singaporean diplomatic relations.

Qi Huaiyuan, president of the CPAFFC, said at the reception that since the two countries forged diplomatic relations in 1990, their cooperation has been growing rapidly in politics, economy, trade, culture and science and technology.

He said exchanges and cooperation between the two countries have benefited the two peoples and are conducive to peace and stability in Asia and the rest of the world.

Chin Siat Yoon, ambassador of Singapore to China, said that there is broad prospect for the two countries' cooperation.

CSFA's President Xu Kongrang was also present at today's reception.

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