Chinese FM Spokesman on Third Asia-Europe Meeting

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji will attend the Third Asia-Europe Meeting scheduled to be held in Seoul from October 20 to 21, Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi announced Thursday.

During the meeting, which the spokesman put as an important one in the history of the Asia-Europe relations at the turn of the century, Zhu will have a wide-range of contacts and conversations with Asian and European leaders, Sun said.

The leaders will discuss together the cooperation plan between Asia and Europe in the new century, which is of great significance, Sun noted.

The Chinese side hopes that in-depth exchange of views and ideas will be conducted at the meeting on the Asia-Europe exchange and cooperation in the fields of politics, economy, trade, culture, science and technology, the spokesman said.

He said that the purpose is to further promote common understanding, enhance exchanges, intensify relations, deepen cooperation and establish a new type of Asia-Europe partnership.

People's Daily Online ---