UN Confident in its Success in S.Leone

Olu Adeniji, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-general Kofi Annan in Sierra Leone, has said that the UN peace mission in the west African country will succeed despite its current difficulties, reports reaching Lagos from Freetown said Wednesday.

The reports quoted Adeniji as saying during a trip Lagos on Tuesday that the UN, in conjunction with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), has begun tackling the lingering conflicts in Sierra Leone, in a way both politically and militarily.

Speaking at a lecture named "the UN peacekeeping in Africa in the post-cold war era: the Central African Republic and Sierra Leone", Adeniji said the UN is expanding its political and military roles in its peace keeping efforts in the two African countries.

The UN is pushing forward a comprehensive package of peacekeeping and political development in the region with an aim to ensure peace and good governance, according to the UN diplomat.

The UN is also changing its mandate from peacekeeping to peace enforcement, he said.

He also said that the leadership change of Sierra Leone's rebel Revolutionary United Front (RUF) from Foday Sankoh to Issa Sesay has made the peace prospect brighter in the country.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/