70 Million Dollars of Contracts Signed at Fair

Business people at an international medium and small enterprises exposition in east China's Jiangsu Province have signed contracts worth 70 million US dollars.

More than 3,000 business people from 17 countries were present at the five-day fair, which closed on Sunday in Changzhou, a major industrial city of the province.

Foreign business people have agreed to launch 24 projects in China. They have also promised to carry out technological co-operation with Chinese partners in 300 projects, organizers said.

US and British business people have visited Chinese businesses and exchanged views with entrepreneurs.

Over 6,000 Chinese medium and small enterprises participated in the fair, which attracted 150,000 visitors.

"The fair has fully demonstrated the development of Chinese enterprises during the course of the country's reforms," said an official with the State Economic and Trade Commission.

Business talks, and seminars on the transfer of intellectual property rights and the WTO were also held during the event.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/