Senior CPC Official Meets Japanese Delegation

Wei Jianxing, a standing committee member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), met Wednesday with a delegation from the Association of the Democratic Party of Japan for Japan-China in the 21st Century.

Wei, who is also a member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, extended a warm welcome to the delegation headed by Yokomichi Takahiro, deputy head of the Democratic Party.

Wei said China and Japan face each other across the sea and they have every reason to be friendly with each other. The statesmen for both countries should make efforts to avoid troubles and push forward bilateral relations in the future, he said.

The Japanese Democratic Party, and especially the party's association for Japan-China in the 21st century, attaches great importance to relations between the two countries and sticks to the One-China Policy, Wei noted, expressing appreciation over this.

Wei said the three historic documents in bilateral relations, namely, the China-Japan Joint Statement, China-Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty, and the China-Japan Joint Declaration have laid a solid political foundation for bilateral relations.

China and Japan enjoy a long-term history of friendly contact and have accumulated abundant experience and knowledge, he said, adding cooperation between governments, parties, parliaments, non-governmental circles as well as the ever expanding economic and trade contacts between the two countries are pillars of bilateral relations.

A steady and ever growing friendship between China and Japan is an important factor for safeguarding peace, stability and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region and the world as a whole, he said.

As problems arise in bilateral ties, Wei said, both countries should look for solutions with a spirit for seeking common ground while rsevering differences through friendly consultation.

Takahiro said Japan-China relations are of great importance to the peace and development of the 21st century. The association for Japan-China in the 21st century, consisting of 80 Democratic Party members from the Diet, the Japanese Parliament, regards stimulating bilateral relations as its major responsibility.

He expressed the hope that friendly contacts between parties and the non-governmental circles of both countries would be reinforced and a dialogue mechanism would be established for the reduction of misunderstanding and the increase of mutual trust.

The delegation is visiting China at the invitation of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee.

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